Ruby Jam 2025/02 月場

English Version Below:

Ruby Jam: 台灣 Ruby 愛好者的互動式聚會 💎

Ruby Jam 是一個每月舉辦的技術交流活動,為 Ruby 社群提供一個交流、學習和成長的平台。


  1. 開源貢獻:和志同道合的夥伴一起貢獻開源專案
  2. 解決問題:帶上你在工作或 side project 中遇到的難題,讓我們一起集思廣益
  3. 經驗分享:我們提供 lightning talk 短講的舞台,歡迎你分享 Ruby 相關的技術心得和經驗
  4. 新手變老手:如果你是 Ruby 初學者,歡迎來聚會學習 Ruby
  5. 擴展交友圈:歡迎來這裡認識新朋友,以及和舊朋友敘舊

本次適逢RightsCon 全球數位人權大會 2025在台舉辦,我們特地邀請到世界最大的去中心化 SNS 平台 Mastodon 的開發者關係負責人 Andy Piper 來發表演講:

講者:Andy Piper(Mastodon 開發者關係負責人)


The Fediverse and Ruby: 開放社交網路的過去、現在與未來


Andy 將從軟體開發的角度,深入探討 Ruby 在開放社交網路(Fediverse)發展中扮演的關鍵角色。有別於他在 RubyWorld Conference 2023 著重社會影響力的演講,這次將更聚焦於技術層面的探討。


時段 內容
6:30 - 7:00 陸續進場
7:00 - 7:30 自由交流時間:開源貢獻、問題解決、經驗分享
7:30 - 8:30

演講:The Fediverse and Ruby: 開放社交網路的過去、現在與未來

8:30 - 9:30 自由交流時間


  • 時間:每月最後一個週二晚上 6:30-9:30
  • 地點:PicCafe in PicCollage (台北市大安區光復南路 102 號 3 樓)

你也有想要分享的主題嗎?到這裡報名 Ruby Jam 閃電講


Ruby Jam: An Interactive Meetup for Ruby Enthusiasts in Taiwan 💎

Ruby Jam is a monthly technical exchange event that provides a platform for the Ruby community to connect, learn, and grow.

Here you can...

  1. Contribute to Open Source: Work together with like-minded peers on open source projects
  2. Problem Solving: Bring your work or side project challenges, and let's solve them together
  3. Share Experiences: We provide a stage for lightning talks, where you can share your Ruby-related technical insights and experiences
  4. Grow Your Skills: If you're new to Ruby, you're welcome to join and learn
  5. Expand Your Network: Meet new friends and catch up with old ones

This month, coinciding with RightsCon 2025 Global Digital Rights Summit in Taiwan, we are honored to have Andy Piper, Developer Relations Lead at Mastodon, the world's largest decentralized social network platform, as our speaker:

Speaker: Andy Piper (Developer Relations Lead at Mastodon)

Talk Topic:

The Fediverse and Ruby: Past, Present, and Future of the Open Social Web

Talk Features

Andy will dive deep into Ruby's pivotal role in the development of the Fediverse from a software development perspective. Unlike his social impact-focused keynote at RubyWorld Conference 2023, this session will concentrate on the technical aspects.


Time Content
6:30 - 7:00 Check-in
7:00 - 7:30 Open Discussion: Open Source Contribution, Problem Solving, Experience Sharing
7:30 - 8:30

Talk: The Fediverse and Ruby: Past, Present, and Future of the Open Social Web

8:30 - 9:30 Open Discussion

Event Details

  • Time: Last Tuesday of every month, 6:30-9:30 PM
  • Location: PicCafe in PicCollage (3F, No. 102, Guangfu South Road, Da'an District, Taipei)

Do you have a topic to share? Sign up here for a Ruby Jam lightning talk

Looking forward to seeing you at the meetup!

PicCollage Office / 台北市大安區光復南路102號3樓


票種 販售時間 售價
一般票 / Entrance

2025/02/18 12:00(+0800) ~ 2025/02/25 12:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費